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Meet Emily!

Growing up in Greensboro, I have a deep love and connection to this beautiful city and the people in it. As a child, my hobbies included bringing home stray animals, reading, talking to strangers and cutting the hair off my little sister's Barbie dolls. My sister was unable to appreciate my talents at that age. She lacked the creative eye I had. As I got older my hobbies included bringing home stray animals, reading, talking to strangers and cutting and coloring all my friends' hair. Finally at age of 20, I decided it might be a good idea to go to school and actually learn how to properly cut and color hair. I attended Leon's Beauty School in 2002 and in 2003 began working at Orrell Design where I apprenticed under the lovely and talented Kerrie Orrell.


The place, and the woman would change my life. Kerrie passed on to me more than technique, though the technique is unparalleled:) She also taught me a passion for this industry that I've never lost. And a drive and determination to succeed. And perhaps most importantly, she taught me that our industry was as much about love as it was about beauty. And by making people feel happy and beautiful on our little corner of the world, we could change the world. 

So after 14 years in the industry and attending many advanced cutting and coloring classes around the country, I'm a dedicated and talented hairdresser who's hobbies include bringing home stray animals, reading, talking to strangers and making our little corner of the world a better place, one beautiful haircut and color at a time.  

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